Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you ship orders?

Jelenleg Magyarország, Szlovákia és Ausztria teljes területére vállalunk kiszállítást.

How long is the shipping time?

Your order is shipped within 3 business days counted from the time of the pick-up from our warehouse. You will get notification about your product's status updates via email.

Is it possible to pick up my order in person?

A SoAsia webáruház 100%-ban online üzletként működik, így vásárlóinknak a házhozszállítást, illetve a csomagpontnál történő átvételt javasoljuk. Nem szokványos rendelés, vagy különleges kérések esetén kérjük, vegye fel a kapcsolatot csapatunkkal Facebook vagy Instagram üzenetben.

In unique cases, it is possible to pick up the order in our office in downtown Budapest. Please contact our colleagues at least 3 business days in advance, otherwise we cannot guarantee your order will arrive to our office in time.

What to do if I want to modify my order after sending it?

Do you want to modify your order but you've already sent it? (e.g. delivery address, contact information, adding more products, removing item)

We want to do everything so that customers receive a package exactly matching their expectations, therefore we provide opportunity to modify your submitted orders.

Please contact our team via email, phone, Facebook message, or Instagram message in case of a modification request. If your order hasn't been picked up by one of our logistics partners, we perform the modifications according to your request completely free of charge. If your order is already with our logistics partners, we cannot carry out every type of modification.

How do I receive the invoice of my order?

We send all invoices via email for environmental reasons, therefore it won't be in the package.

You will receive your invoice to the email address you used during the checkout process.

If you don't receive your invoice within 24 hours of receiving your order, please check the spam and promotion folders in your email account. If you cannot find the email, please contact our team, and another copy will be sent to you.

Can I ask for reimbursement after receiving my order?

You can send back a product or products within 14 days of purchase, even if it doesn't have any issues. If you don't like anything regarding your order, you are entitled to send it back and ask for a full or partial refund. After receiving your order back, we reimburse you the paid funds via bank transfer within 14 workdays. We are only able to receive prepaid packages. The cost of return is always borne by the buyer.

According to the current legislation, only private individuals (natural persons) have the aforementioned consumer rights, including the right to withdraw without justification. If you purchased on behalf of your company and applied for an invoice in the name of your company, neither you nor your company are entitled to these consumer rights! 

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